Blog Post

Improving Your Brand Strategy - Mind Your C's (Communication, Clarity, and Consistency) 

  • By Naff Branding
  • 16 Feb, 2021

You’ve decided to take that proverbial leap of faith and start your own business.


Or maybe you’ve already jumped two feet in, but things are a bit all over the place? Or, do I dare say, that you’ve already established a brand, but it’s no longer going in the direction you see your business going?

This subject seems to be more timely as the past year has made people think differently about their time and how they spend it. Or there are folks out there with more time to think about a side hustle. If you are going to spend time on your business or branch out, let’s do it right. The three c’s are now more important than ever. To build a sustainable brand you must have clarity , clear communication and consistency!

Now what? Where do you start? What’s important, and what’s not? Why does it matter?

Take a deep breath, a step back, and relax. We’re going to go over brand strategy and why it’s vital for your business. By the end of this blog, you’ll have a clear understanding of what’s important and what’s a waste of time when it comes to brand strategy and how they match up to your end goal for your business.

First, let’s get to the basics. What is Brand Strategy?

Art Design

Brand strategy is a long-term, goal specific process defined by an ever-evolving plan that aims toward the success of a particular brand which, through the company’s undeniable and unique characteristics, is recognized by the consumer world.

In fewer words, a brand strategy is a plan that combines your company’s goals and character to make it identifiable.  You see, it’s not just the perfect company name, or the color schemes and great custom logo that distinguishes your company from others.

It’s you. It’s your promise. It’s how you solve the problem your target audience has.

So how do you create a brand strategy that's both marketable, competitive, and will stand out from everyone else? By implementing “the Three C’s.”

The Three C’s: Clarity, Communication, and Consistency  

1. Brand Clarity

Brand Clarity

Clarity: the quality of being precise and definite. To have a successful brand, you need to have perfect clarity on what its purpose is for your brand. Establishing clarity is harder than it sounds for many business owners. I’ve found that most entrepreneurs are so passionate about their business that it can be difficult for some to narrow down a singular purpose.

I ask my clients the following questions (this will also help you craft your brand positioning statement):

  • What’s your story? 
  • Why did you start this business? 
  • What problem do you solve? 
  • What makes you unique? 
  • What is your end goal?

These are often the questions you’ll receive from potential customers. Sit down and really think about these questions. Write them down and answer them for yourself. Knowing your ‘why’ will not only guide the direction of your company, but it will also help build a connection and a sense of trust between you and your audience. And now that you are clear on your brand, you can get clarity on what audience you are targeting. Understanding your target audience will give you the opportunity to focus on their needs and build trust and a connection that your customers appreciate.

Consumers will pick only one person or company to do the service they need or provide the product they want.  This is why it’s so important to be clear in what you offer and how you stand out, and clear in the problem you solve.  This will help define and narrow in on that perfect, ideal client.

Once you define that target audience, it’s time to make yourself stand out . To attract your customers, you need to figure out what it is that sets you apart from others, and own it.

2. Brand Communication


Brand communication is what you have to offer as a business. It’s the voice and human element of your business. This human connection is critical because it allows you to connect with your customers on a more personal level.

Your brand communication needs to be as authentic as you can make it. Communicating with your customers directly will help them see you as a person, not just a brand.  It’s important to be as flexible and understanding as you can to continue to build a trusting relationship. Remember that your voice and tone matter. Haven't we all heard our mothers say, “It’s not what you say, but how you say it”? No one wants to be talked at; they want to be talked to. By taking the time to be as genuine and real as you can be, you will not only gain a customer - you’ll gain a loyal and returning customer.

Personality sells. Don’t be afraid to connect with your customers on a more personal level. It helps to put a face on your brand and allows your customers to see the fun and natural side of your company. You will find that people respond to your engaging conversation more often than information-only banter. Be open and inviting.

3. Brand Consistency

Brand Consistency

Consistency is critical if you desire your business to thrive and stay successful for many years to come.  You’ve heard the phrases “consistency is key” and “pick a path, and stay on it.” When it comes to your brand, you need to remain faithful and consistent. Pick your direction, and do not wander away from your core values and foundation.  The message you deliver needs to have the same tone throughout. This consistent tone applies to your company name, color schemes, logo, business cards, and most importantly, your website and social media accounts. Treat every piece of marketing like a member of your family. They need to support each other and fit cohesively with everything else.

Remember, branding consistency isn't just imperative for your company's image, but it’s also vital for the product itself. Your brand promise needs to be clear and consistent every time you offer it.

It doesn't matter if your company is small or large. Your business is a BIG deal. Your brand strategy is not only what will set you apart from others, but it’s the positive experience you're giving your customers that will keep them coming back for more. Communication is key. Tell them what they want, and what they will get every time. Clarity is your truth. It’s your promise to them. Consistent and top-of-the-line service is what will make you the best.

At the end of the day, trust yourself, and remember to mind your C’s. Contact us at Naff Branding, and we’ll help you establish a stellar brand strategy that gets noticed.

By Beth Naffziger 21 Mar, 2021

The year was, yeah, you don’t need to know that, and my college internship was as a promotions coordinator at a now-debunked radio station in Minneapolis. Now I can imagine you are reading this thinking, you lucky girl, I bet that was fun! If you consider driving a massive van around town, filled with crap and a million empty cups, going to events in weird places, and hauling things around, well, then yes, I was lucky. Now there were some perks. I met a few celebrities and did taste what it meant to be an event coordinator, which I wanted to do after school. It was an unpaid position, but I did get college credits for it, and more importantly, it was a job close to what I wanted to do, in the market I wanted to be in.

This experience was so valuable, even if at one event I had to sit at a used car dealership for a live remote or haul hair dryers in the Mall of America. It taught me responsibility, what an office setting is like, and that work is well, just that work. But most importantly, it helped me meet connections and get my first real career job when I graduated from college.

Forbes  quotes a study that says a college graduate and working at a paid internship shows, 60% of the time, that internship will turn into a job offer.

If you are a parent of a college-age kid, have you asked them about their internship plans? If you are a college kid reading this, what is your plan? Have you started applying? Internships bring real-world experiences and help fill up a resume. Ideally, look for a paid internship and one that t college credits can be used to. Make sure to checked in with the career services department to understand credits and look for opportunities with alumni. Can you make any introduction to anyone in your network to see what openings they have? Ensure you or your student knows what areas they want to work in, which helps reach out to your network. The more specific you can be, the better.

Indeed lists of their top 12 reasons internships  are beneficial. To get these beneficial internships, a quality resume is necessary. Do you have a resume that will stand out? Parents, does your child have one? 

Make sure the resume is:

  • Free of errors
  • Shows a little personality
  • Clearly articulates their jobs and activities, Captain of the golf team, make sure to list that! 
  • The resume should highlight the course load, any employment, volunteer positions, and collegiate sports.

If you are ready to start applying for internships, reach out to for a review and feedback for $49. Let’s tell your story and get you that first job.

Stay tuned for part two of this series as I discuss why you need to hire interns.

By Naff Branding 01 Feb, 2020
Learn how a cup of coffee with a side hint of business can go a long way with a new client.
By Naff Branding 05 Dec, 2018

It’s the holiday season. For some, it means putting up decorations, fretting about family coming over, more holly, more jolly and more obligations. It means that you will be out and about more. Are already dreading your partner's company holiday party? Let’s think differently about the holidays. Focus on your career strategy, don’t focus on how many more calories you are going to eat.

By Beth Naffziger 30 Sep, 2018

In today’s modern digital world, very few job seekers have the opportunity to physically bring a resume to a potential employer. Gone are the days of being able to take advantage of that initial face-to-face interaction with a smile, a handshake, and a witty anecdote.

Instead, you upload your resume and hope like bloody heck that it will make it past a gatekeeper and into the hands of someone who is in a position to hire you. I am here to help. I can give you advice and tips to improve your resume and get past the gatekeeper.  Contact me  for help in making your resume stand out and be the best that it can be.

The truth is, you likely have about one minute of someone’s attention once your resume lands in front of them, so make it count. With all you have to think about as you craft your resume, don’t lose sight of the small details that matter. Little things like the proper use of punctuation and capital letters are critical in this 60-second window. Don’t miss out on a job opportunity just because YOU COULDN’T CAPITALIZE PROPERLY. (Like that. Don’t do that.)

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