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Behold, The Power of a Coffee Meeting and 8 Tips on How to Make it Successful

  • By Naff Branding
  • 01 Feb, 2020

Did you finally score a coffee meeting with a connection?


Never underestimate the power of a cup of coffee. Coffee meetings combine networking, pleasure and a hint of business. Whether you have a coffee meeting on the calendar or are considering asking someone to join you for a coffee meeting in the future, there are six things you should know to make this intimate-yet-informal gathering successful. In todays world, we often forgo these meetings because work gets in the way. We should be making a priority to step away, reconnect and keep conversations going. 

1. Don’t Act Like It’s An Interview

Coffee Meeting
Coffee meetings are not like interviews. Unless the person you’re meeting with asks, you don’t need to begin by listing your amazing credentials, outlining how you saved Company X thousands of dollars, and explaining how you would subdue a disgruntled customer. Coffee meetings are more about personality and chemistry than degrees and qualifications. Granted, if you are asked about those things, you need to be willing to share openly, and be proud of your accomplishments.

2. Plan Ahead And Show Up Early


It is entirely okay to do a trial run before your coffee meeting. You can scope out the best, quietest seating areas; discover which times of day to avoid; and figure out where the outlets are in case you need to bring your tablet or notebook.

Always arrive early. Find a comfortable spot to sit, have a small cup of calming tea (emphasis on small to avoid multiple restroom visits), and remind yourself that you are a pretty cool person and that this meeting is going to go great.

3. Do Your Homework

Reading Book

To ensure your coffee meeting is fruitful, do a little homework on the person you're meeting. Don’t be creepy about it - you don’t need to stalk their Instagram account to find out the name of their Siberian husky. Your research depends a lot on the reason you’re having the coffee meeting for in the first place.

If you’re meeting with a potential employer, get a good grasp on the company’s vision and make a point of working it into the conversation. Let your future boss know that you are already invested and on board with what the business stands for and with its values.

If your coffee meeting is with a potential mentor or a person you’re hoping to network with, try to find some common ground. Perchance you graduated from the same university, or you have some previous business or friends in common. A little commonality can go a long way to break the ice.

4. Have An Agenda, But Don’t Let It Lead You


Consider your goals well before the meeting. For example, perhaps you are meeting with a college professor with whom you would like to intern. You could work something like this into your conversation very naturally: “I’m interested in working in {insert desired field here}, and I was intrigued by the work you did with {insert your previously completed homework here}. I would love to learn more about your department to see if it would be a good fit for me.” Boom. You just named your goal in a non-threatening, slightly complimentary way, and now you can see where the conversation flows.

Remember, though, don’t let your agenda lead you. Your personal agenda statement doesn’t necessarily need to come flying out of your mouth right off the bat. Coffee meetings are informal and non-threatening for a reason. There is nothing wrong with letting your intentions be known, but at the same time, don’t let your goals dominate the conversation. Let your personality shine and do the talking for you - the primary objective here is to find that spark that leaves your coffee partner feeling right about meeting with you.

5. Master The Art Of Conversation


The market is competitive - there are a lot of highly qualified people out there just like you who are looking for that next big opportunity.  Not all highly qualified people, however, can sit down with someone they don’t know well and have a casual chat. This is why coffee meetings are a great way to get your foot in the door. As long as you know how to make your way around a conversation, you’ve got this.

Ask intelligent, open-ended questions that show that you are thoughtful and that you did your homework. Make sure you’re engaging in back and forth conversational turns. Remember, this is not your opportunity to blather on and on about all of your accomplishments. Instead, work them in strategically in natural conversation, and take the time to listen and learn about ways you might help your new connection.

Coffee meetings are all about relationship building and creating that spark. Keep that in mind, and don’t be nervous: just be you. Remember all of the things you have to offer a potential employer, mentor, or business partner, and speak with confidence.

6. Follow Up

You may think that following up in the next day or two is akin to calling right after a first date. I assure you, it’s not. Following up with a brief email a few days after your meeting is both professional and necessary for your success. Craft a few lines stating how you appreciate that the future boss/business partner/mentor met with you, and mention a few highlights from your meeting or discuss a plan you have to pursue something you discussed. I always like to send a link to an article that touches on a topic that was discussed.

7. Finally, Relax

Lemon Tea

Enjoy your coffee meeting for what it is: an informal get together that may or may not end up with a callback. Go into your coffee meeting expecting the best, while realistically understanding that sometimes people just don’t click, and that’s ok. It’s part of the beauty of what makes us human. Thankfully, every opportunity has a silver lining. Consider it this way; every coffee meeting is a chance to network at the very least. At most, your next exciting possibility could be just a breve away.

I am a firm believer in coffee meetings to network, explore opportunities, and build relationships. Call me today if you want to grab a cup of coffee at your favorite place - it’s on me! If you are a job seeker or desire to break into a new market, contact me today. Together, we can get you organized and on track to pursue the life that’s calling your name.
By Beth Naffziger 21 Mar, 2021

The year was, yeah, you don’t need to know that, and my college internship was as a promotions coordinator at a now-debunked radio station in Minneapolis. Now I can imagine you are reading this thinking, you lucky girl, I bet that was fun! If you consider driving a massive van around town, filled with crap and a million empty cups, going to events in weird places, and hauling things around, well, then yes, I was lucky. Now there were some perks. I met a few celebrities and did taste what it meant to be an event coordinator, which I wanted to do after school. It was an unpaid position, but I did get college credits for it, and more importantly, it was a job close to what I wanted to do, in the market I wanted to be in.

This experience was so valuable, even if at one event I had to sit at a used car dealership for a live remote or haul hair dryers in the Mall of America. It taught me responsibility, what an office setting is like, and that work is well, just that work. But most importantly, it helped me meet connections and get my first real career job when I graduated from college.

Forbes  quotes a study that says a college graduate and working at a paid internship shows, 60% of the time, that internship will turn into a job offer.

If you are a parent of a college-age kid, have you asked them about their internship plans? If you are a college kid reading this, what is your plan? Have you started applying? Internships bring real-world experiences and help fill up a resume. Ideally, look for a paid internship and one that t college credits can be used to. Make sure to checked in with the career services department to understand credits and look for opportunities with alumni. Can you make any introduction to anyone in your network to see what openings they have? Ensure you or your student knows what areas they want to work in, which helps reach out to your network. The more specific you can be, the better.

Indeed lists of their top 12 reasons internships  are beneficial. To get these beneficial internships, a quality resume is necessary. Do you have a resume that will stand out? Parents, does your child have one? 

Make sure the resume is:

  • Free of errors
  • Shows a little personality
  • Clearly articulates their jobs and activities, Captain of the golf team, make sure to list that! 
  • The resume should highlight the course load, any employment, volunteer positions, and collegiate sports.

If you are ready to start applying for internships, reach out to for a review and feedback for $49. Let’s tell your story and get you that first job.

Stay tuned for part two of this series as I discuss why you need to hire interns.

By Naff Branding 16 Feb, 2021
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It’s the holiday season. For some, it means putting up decorations, fretting about family coming over, more holly, more jolly and more obligations. It means that you will be out and about more. Are already dreading your partner's company holiday party? Let’s think differently about the holidays. Focus on your career strategy, don’t focus on how many more calories you are going to eat.

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In today’s modern digital world, very few job seekers have the opportunity to physically bring a resume to a potential employer. Gone are the days of being able to take advantage of that initial face-to-face interaction with a smile, a handshake, and a witty anecdote.

Instead, you upload your resume and hope like bloody heck that it will make it past a gatekeeper and into the hands of someone who is in a position to hire you. I am here to help. I can give you advice and tips to improve your resume and get past the gatekeeper.  Contact me  for help in making your resume stand out and be the best that it can be.

The truth is, you likely have about one minute of someone’s attention once your resume lands in front of them, so make it count. With all you have to think about as you craft your resume, don’t lose sight of the small details that matter. Little things like the proper use of punctuation and capital letters are critical in this 60-second window. Don’t miss out on a job opportunity just because YOU COULDN’T CAPITALIZE PROPERLY. (Like that. Don’t do that.)

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